Monday 4 February 2013

Flash Gordon - an online build, Flash in a Powersuit!

Late last year in the build-up to Christmas, we visited the Frankfurt Christmas Market that is held in Birmingham City Centre. In fact 2013 was the 11th year it had been held, for details go to this link.

As Sue, Holly and my Mother-in-Law, Flo were browsing the stalls and experiencing the food, I had chance to visit both Iain Allen Books and Wayland Forge, both within easy walking distance of the fayre.

In one of those coincidental moments, I saw this book - Spacesuit, A History through Fact and Fiction by Brett Gooden in Iain Allen Books and then,

when searching through the bargain or second-hand boxed at Wayland Forge, I picked up this chunk of lead for just £1.50 and it is a real chunk!

Leaving you with a cliffhanger, I will admit that my intention is to build a 40mm Flash Gordon miniature, Flash in a Space Suit or Power Armour to add to my collection. I promise more details in my next post, but for now, I would hope that these two images and notes will give you some idea of how my creative juices are tweaked and how both made me think of my FG collection.

For all those who have contacted me over the last year asking for some additional 40mm Flash Gordon sculpts and/or figure painting, here is the answer to your pleas.

Before I finish, has any reader/follower got contact details for either Jim Bowen or Steve from Monolith Design. I have been asked by a follower of this Blog for an address as he wants to order some Graven Images miniatures.




  1. Not sure how up to date it is but according to TMP Monolith Design's address is:

    Strawberry Gardens
    Hornsea, North Humberside

    T: 01964 535210
    F: 01964 536006


  2. So that's where you sneaked off to! xxx
