Tuesday 12 March 2013

Building Wargaming Terrain

Yesterday, I completed the last of the 'scratch built' models that will feature in my book - How to build Wargame Terrain.  Last year I promised myself that in 2013 the book would be published and although a little behind my initial plan, things are moving along well.

I have purposely not published or included any images of either the work-in-progress or finished models as I want the content to be completely new.  The bulk of the content, ten chapters feature novice to intermediate level tutorials. The plan is that I will produce a second book with more intricate models should the first prove successful.

Work is now concentrating on page layout and checking text. My Son is due to check and then help with the layout later this month. The book is something I have wanted to do for some time, I doubt it will make any money but for me the satisfaction will be having completed it.

Anyone new to the Blog, can see various 'scratch built' terrain by just browsing back, there is rarely a month that goes by without some piece of home made terrain being featured. Also see this post.

I will keep this Blog updated.



  1. Good luck with the book. I find making terrain to be one of the most enjoyable parts of the hobby and I'll look forward to getting a copy of your upcoming tome!


  2. I'm very excited about this one Tony, I can't wait to get a copy!


  3. Will follow this with interest sir!

  4. Sounds very interesting - look forward to more on this.
