Saturday 16 March 2013

Tarragin for Flash Gordon - part three

Part Three and as you can see the painting has progressed well. I found once I started painting this miniature that it moved-on very quickly. It might have been that I was listening to The Film Review with Kermode and Mayo and the time flew by.

The down side is that there are no work-in-progress shots! I have painted the body with GW Dark Blues and highlighted with Mid Blue. The rest was painted, highlighted and washed in my usual style.

The final image shows a Graven Images Cliffhanger Ming soldier alongside for comparison. I think the Exodus Wars Terragin work well with my 40mm Flash Gordon miniatures. I might have to get another one or two and build up a small squad.

In my next update, I'll have a varnished and flocked figure for you.


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