Wednesday 10 April 2013

Conquering the Lead Mountain

I have tried, no I mean I have really tried to either cut back on my miniature purchases or attempt to paint the figures I already have. But recently I was searching through my boxes of unpainted models for a couple of RifleOrcs and it is very apparent that I have to do something.....

The Pledge was my attempt at trying to reduce the huge mount of unpainted lead that I have stacked away in boxes and trays. I think it has worked, well in part anyway, but I still get tempted and at the WMMS, Alumwell earlier this year I picked up a whole load of second-hand Flintloque figures from the bring-and-buy table. 

I will have a sort-out as there are hundreds of miniatures that are never going to be painted and are just taking up space.

I am sure that I am not alone, but these devilish manufacturers keep tempting as with new models which we just have to buy.

My resolution is to continue to paint up groups or regiments - The Pledge, but I will also need to look at selling some minis on E-Bay.

At least that is the plan - until I see something new and shiny.


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