Friday 12 April 2013

Jim Bowen figure painter and sculptor has died

This afternoon after reading this post I learnt that Jim Bowen, figure painter and sculptor has passed away. I had never met Jim, but had corresponded with him concerning my collection of 40mm Graven Images/Cliffhanger miniatures, particularly the 40mm Flash Gordon figures. 

In this earlier post I have written of my love for these 'chunky' models. Models I feel are beautifully sculpted and just full of character. In homage to Jim, I have included these images of my painted Flash Gordon models, each one sculpted by Jim. My thoughts are with his family, may he rest in peace.

This final image is taken from the Graven Images site, showing Sharpe and Harper, a pair of 40mm metal figures I have owned for some time but never gotten around to painting.

I will miss his individual style of sculpting and painting.
