Wednesday 29 May 2013

40mm Sharpe and Harper - finished

The Pledge for May 2013 - a simple vignette of Sharpe and Harper from Graven Images sculpted by Jim Bowen who sadly passed away earlier this year.

I have commented about the sad passing of Jim here and felt that painting and mounting this small display piece was a fitting tribute to one of my favourite 40mm sculptors. He will be sadly missed.

Photo Two - Sharpe and Harper gloss varnished with Ronseal Tough Coat.

Photo Three - Now matt varnished, this time with Galleria acrylic matt varnish (two coats).

Photo Four - Varnished and decorated with some static grass tufts which were glued in place with uPVA glue.

Photos Five, Six and Seven - Additional views of the finished display vignette.

These two figures had sat forgotten in my 'too-do' box for quite a time. With the news that Jim had passed away, I felt that it was the perfect opportunity to pay homage to his memory and finally base and paint these miniatures. I have tried to produce a 'serious' display piece, spending time painting, sculpting the base and finishing off the whole project to the best of my ability. In the end I am very pleased with my efforts but know that I could have done better.

Rest in Peace Jim Bowen



  1. Beautiful ending to a sweet project. The vignette is superb, IMHO.

  2. great work on some great figures fitting tribute
    Peace James

  3. Nice work once again Tony.

  4. A great tribute and I am sure Jim Bowen would have loved it!

  5. Fantastic work, and a beautiful tribute.

    Well done chap.

  6. Nice work Tony. I've read all the books, when I was a student and I still remember the experience.
