Saturday 11 May 2013

The Hobbit - on audio cassette tapes

I recently had to repair my Mother-in-Laws personal cassette player (she likes to listen to audio books - the ones on old fashioned cassettes which Sue and I pick up for her from charity shops). Having repaired hers, I thought I would try to repair my own cassette player - it has not worked for ages.

I spent about 30 minutes cleaning and making sure all the rollers were in place and tested it with this 4 cassette audio book - The Hobbit. I had intended to just check if it was working properly, but ended up listening to all four cassettes and really enjoying it.

Over the years, I have listened to a number of audio books (on cassette and CD) while down my shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden making or painting models. I find them the perfect accompaniment, well that and Radio 5 Live - the sports radio station.

Not much more to add - a great little story tape, one that I really enjoyed.



  1. The Lord of the Rings one BBC Radio 4 did is 100% better and only lasts 13 hours! :-)

  2. Oo sounds good. My favourite bits are the cosy Hobbit breakfasts, elevensies and brunches and when Bilbo is huddled on his little horse in the rain with the water dripping off his cloak :D xxx
