Monday 24 June 2013

Figure Art by Roman Lappat & Raffaele Picca

Figure Art, the long awaited book by Roman Lappat and Raffaele Picca has finally arrived.

The hard-back art book is a joint venture between these two very gifted miniature artists, 132 pages jam packed with exquisitely painted miniatures on some of the best diorama bases I have ever seen.

I first heard about this project back in 2012, when I was browsing the Massive Voodoo Blog, for details go to this link. At this early stage the planned book was still being worked upon and exact details were a little 'woolly'.  I decided to take a punt on this Indegogo campaign and pledged the £20.00 fee (a 'Jungle Supporter'). The actual campaign raised $32,976.00 of a $2,500.00 goal. A real success. However I am aware that this also caused some problems as the book now became a major undertaking and the 'perks' multiplied.

One of the major problems was a slipped deadline for delivery of the book - which was delivered six months over due.

But on to the review proper; The book screams quality, a very stylish hard-back book with a predominant black cover and featuring two very well painted models on the front (and one more on the rear cover).

The pages, once again shout quality - there are some very special pieces buried within these pages, real eye-candy for the miniature painter or 'would-be' miniature painter! The book is sub-divided into;
  • Small Figures Science Fiction
  • Small Figures Fantasy and Mythology
  • Large Figures Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Mixed
  • Large Figures - Historical and Mixed
  • Busts
  • With Contents and Miniature Manufacturers at the back
These two sample images have been taken from Pins of War, see this link which also features the Documentary book, which I did not receive - due to my lower funding pledge.

As an aspiring figure painter, I can only drool over the quality of the modelling, the painting and the fantastic diorama work featured in this book. The two artists have much too much talent - and I bow my head in acknowledgement of this competition winning, artistic skill. £20.00 very well spent.

Finally, and this is more an observation than a criticism; I found the black page background a little too dark for me. I wonder if a lighter page colour would have been better?


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