Wednesday 19 June 2013

Tank Diorama

Earlier today Sue and I visited Warwick and enjoyed a great day out having afternoon tea and browsing the many antique shops. I was particularly struck by this naive piece of 'Trench Art', a Mk IV Male (I think?)

What caught my eye was not the modelling of the tank itself, but the very realistic attitude of the bogged-down tracks and the neglected aura. Who ever modelled this diorama knew his subject very well.

The model was on sale for £95.00, a little too rich for my pocket, but after I had shown an interest, the owner of the shop allowed me to take these three images, even offering to open the glass fronted cabinet so I could get a better view and photo.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful little diorama. The antique shops in Warwick usually come up trumps. :)

