Friday 7 June 2013

The 'Fighting Forty-Firsts - part three

Not much to see. The six Rifles have been undercoated black. I have used a cheap 'rattle-can' to lightly spray the figures and when this is fully dry, I have touched-up any missed parts with GW Chaos Black.

Regular followers will know that I usually undercoat my Flintloque miniatures black, preferring the 'cartoon-y effect' it gives to these 'chunky' characters.

The central figure (in the image below) is going to represent Luke Benson from the Commando Comic Days of Daring (3765). For more details go to this earlier post.

While the rest of the miniatures will represent the Rifles - or 'Fighting Forty-Firsts'.

More to follow and soon. It would be interesting to hear from readers/followers what they think of these regular On-Line Builds, could they be condensed, or fleshed out with additional information? Do you think they are interesting or do they cover the same ground over and over?

I find this mechanic of having a monthly target forces me to paint some of the miniatures in my Lead Mountain. They also act as an impetus to update the Blog on a regular basis.


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