Tuesday 16 July 2013

Building Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood - the situation two weeks on

I am well aware that posts detailing sales progress of the book and the situation so far are not the most interesting reading, however this book has been an integral part of my model making life for so long, that I want to catalogue successes (and failures).

Sales (or reserved copies) went past the 75 mark earlier this morning. Three quarters of the first batch of 100 are now sold. This morning, Sue and I were once again queuing at the Post Office counter (Kidderminster) to post off the latest batch, one to Bristol, one to Finland and the third to Australia. I've had quite a few to Australia!

The most unusual address was to a serving soldier in Afghanistan. While the bulk are being posted off to UK addresses followed by Europe and America.

For anyone thinking. "I'll get one of these soon." The numbered and signed copies are going fast - very fast. Go to this post for details of how to order and numbers remaining.

Thank you for all the support. Normal service will be resumed very soon.



  1. Just wanted to let you know my copy arrived today, well, yesterday now, in good order and I am well pleased. Thanks and Cheers!

  2. Received mine this morning and I'm more than a bit impressed. Well worth the price and packed more sensibly than the majority of mail order books I receive.

    For this genre of wargame related book it's going to take some beating.

    Well done that man!
