Tuesday 20 August 2013

Harpy - part three

The converted miniature (Luke Benson's cousin) was given a coat of black undercoat. For details of the inspiration go to this link and this link.

Photo One - I used a cheap 'rattle can' spray paint and touched up the rough or missed areas with diluted Chaos Black from Games Workshop.

Photos Two and Three - The flesh areas were the first job and built up from Snakebite Leather from GW and highlighted with a Snakebite/Skull White mix.

Photo - Four - I found it difficult to paint the non-military uniform colours but tried to stick to the Commando Comic cover illustration as close as possible.

Photo Five - The painting is now finished and the miniature has been varnished with Ronseal Hardglaze Gloss Varnish. I just need to Matt Varnish and add some static grass for this figure and the whole group of 'Fighting Forty-Firsts' to be finished.

Photo Six - The figure from the rear. I am pleased with the conversion and like the way that the 'pork pie' hat  and Brown jacket has come out.

This was the most involved conversion of the whole group of eight Rifle Orcs and my plan is to write up a Flintloque (third Edition) roster sheet for the small group, sticking to the Days of Daring (Commando Comic No. 3765) story as close as possible.


1 comment:

  1. A wonderfully characterful conversion. It's gone really well, congratulations! :)

    Cheers for taking the time to share it,
