Tuesday 3 September 2013

Masons Court, Rother Street, Stratford upon Avon

These photos were taken last week when Sue and I visited Stratford upon Avon. The building has obvious Wealden House features, similar to the model master that I produced for Grand Manner, for details go to this link.

The building is situated on Rother Street, Stratford upon Avon and is named Masons Court, for anyone wanting to find it go to the Queen Victorian Monument and head West away from the market place. Masons Court is situated on the right and opposite The Shakespeare Hospice Bookshop.

Information found on the Internet states that this is reputed to be the oldest dwellings in the Stratford, built around 1450. It is obvious that over time the building has been rebuilt and modified, but there are a surprising number of original features that are worth checking out. The following photos show some of the details. For more details go to this link



  1. The undulations in the roof and side make me feel like it is best appreciated from the outside.

  2. Now that is a building with character! We tend to think that buildings have to be all straight lines and precise angles that we forget that there are other forces involved. To see what time, stress and the constant interference of humans can do is truly wonderful.

  3. We are trying to find the specific colour for the exterior of Masons Court as we are looking at repainting it in the near future
    Any help would be appreciated
    Thanks Dave
