Monday 21 October 2013

Taking a Break

For most of last week we had visitors staying with us from Thailand. Model making and Posting has been slow, but I  have been drinking some quite exceptional wines and spirits. This bottle of Chateau Mouton Baronne Philippe from 1981 being one.

When I opened the bottle, which was a gift from when I worked in the wine industry, the cork was very soft and spongy and I thought that it might have been damaged over the years, however after leaving it 'breath' for some time the true character of this wine came through. In all honesty I think it might have 'been past its best', but it was still the centre of attention, alongside some Venison Pie cooked in Chianti with button mushrooms.

I'm not expecting to get back to regular posting until the end of the week as my Son is doing running repairs on my computer, however look out for a Halloween Special.



  1. Drinking is a well respected Hobby in itself after all!

  2. You have excellent taste in wine. I've tried mixing drinking wine and painting minis but for some reason the painting quality declines as the length of those combined sessions grows longer.

    I wonder why?
