Saturday 7 December 2013

Ogam & Stone entered in a competition

I have just entered the narrow gauge model railway layout Ogam & Stone into a competition to win an airbrush compressor. The model was built some time ago and was intended as an exhibition model to take around shows and advertise the 7mm Narrow Gauge Railway Society see this link for further details. In the end I did get to visit three or four shows, but for most of its life it has resided in my attic.

More details and images of the layout can be found here.

Earlier this year, I decided to repair some of the minor dents and scratches and update the ground cover. One day I'll get the 1/43rd scale scratch-built engines and wagons up and running!

The competition is simple, just send an image of your chosen model, layout or figure to



  1. Good luck with the comp. I like the Name, ogham & Stone.

  2. I always wanted to get into model railways but havent got the room
