Tuesday 21 January 2014

I bought myself a book

This morning Sue and I had to nip into Bromsgrove, a local market town, between Worcester and Birmingham. It's a quaint little town with lots to see and enough shops that you can get most things you may want. Of particular note are the wooden framed buildings, however some are now in need of repair!

As I browsed a market stall I saw this book - Architectural Model Building by Roark T. Congdon for just £1.00.

At over 230 pages it is quite a big book full of drawings, illustrations and photographs detailing techniques used by professional model makers. Now that I have is back home I see that there is little that is totally new but as a truly superb reference book it was well worth the cost of a cup of coffee.

An internet search has the book priced up at over $80.00. Not sure I would have paid anything like that price, but as said earlier I would imagine this becoming a well-thumbed reference book.

Full details can be found here.

Architectural Model Building - tools, techniques and materials by Roark T. Condon
Published by Fairchild Books, New York
Published in 2010
ISBN: 978-1-56367-773-1



  1. I think the reason that book is so pricey is that its used as a college text book. I found used copies for as low as $40. I'll keep looking it sounds like a great reference that might keep more of my books on the shelf than spread out across my desk

  2. Amazon marketplace has it for $47 USD, which is not as bad as $80, but still not £1!

  3. I have seen it for as low as $40.00 or £40.00 in the UK.

    I'm not sure it is worth this much - but for a pound; it's a real bargain and the more I read the more I like.

    Well worth checking out - if only on loan from the library.

