Monday 31 March 2014

Of Gods and Mortals from Osprey

I have recently bought Of Gods and Mortals- Mythological Wargame Rules from Osprey, written by Andrea Sfiligoi.

My first impressions are that it is a very well put together package, with high production values and great illustrations, the rules seem simple enough to pick up in a couple of read through's and the mechanics are easy to follow.

I picked up the book after seeing it at the WMMS earlier this month and would have to admit that I am hooked. I first wrote about this book in this post but am now seriously thinking of building a small force - more than likely Dwarves led by Thor or Odin.

Full details are;;
Of Gods and Mortals - Mythological Wargame Rules by Andrea Sfiligoi
Published by Osprey Wargames
64 full colour pages with some fantastic illustrations
ISBN 978-1-78096-849-0
Retail price £11.99 (although I got my copy a little cheaper after searching the Net)


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