Sunday 9 March 2014

WMMS 2014

I have just arrived back home from the 38th West Midlands Military Show which is organised by the Alumwell Wargames Society. I took with me the last two Building Wargame Terrain books (both damaged), hoping to sell them on the bring-and-buy table, but in the end there were no takers and I have brought them both home with me.

I did however come away with a stack of second-hand magazines, this strange resin model - labelled as a Dwarf Magic Machine, some paints and a pack of static grass tufts. The last of the Big Spenders!

I have commented in previous posts about how much I enjoy this show, I believe it to be one of the friendliest shows I visit. More like a day out enjoying fine company and meeting friends. This Sunday was a great day and well worth the £3.00 entry fee. In fact the only down side to the whole day was watching Wales get beaten by England in the Six Nations.

I'll post more images of the show over the next week.



  1. That Dwarven machine is a vortex spell-eating machine from Grendel

  2. Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the information and the link.

