Tuesday 29 April 2014

Building Wargame Terrain - book two

April has seen me feverishly beavering away at the models, the photographing and the writing of book two. I now have 88 pages of text and photographs waiting to be proof read with just one more model to complete.

The planned launch of August 2014 is still on target and I hope to have more information very soon.

For anyone who has purchased Book One, there will be no big surprises with the layout of Book Two, however the models and techniques featured will be both more details and more advanced.

I will be posting details of the book over the next month or two.

Like Book One, I am planning on having a limited production run with the first 100 books signed and numbered. I am also planning on having a prize draw, with one of the featured models being given away to one lucky customer.

The big discussion point is "what colour the cover will be?" As like book one I'm after a 'retro look' based on the old Patrick Stephens Ltd Airfix Guides. Front runner is Purple like the Ancient Wargamming Guide No. 9. And which new model will feature on the front cover?

More information very soon.



  1. I have the first one and am looking forward to this version also. Purple sounds like a good choice to me!

  2. Will there be a reprint of Book 1? If so, put me down for one of each! :-)

  3. Thanks for keeping us posted, Tony! I'm very curious to see what you come up with.


  4. Hi Richard,

    At this moment - I'm not sure. I need to have some more interest before I am willing to fork out for more books.

    I would expect there to be a decision about a book one reprint before the launch of book two.

    So if anyone is interested - here is the place to post.



  5. I liked book no 1, and I'm looking forward to this one.

  6. I'm ready for Book 2, and purple sounds fine. :)

