Thursday 24 April 2014

Inspirational Tutorials from David Neat

I recently came across this site and thought it was well worth re-posting.

David Neat - a Maker, a Teacher of Making.

In David's own words;

"My own ‘making’ encompasses sculpture, model-making, painting, graphic work and design. My ‘teaching’ involves undergraduate or post-graduate lecturing/tutoring both here (England) and abroad; running my own short courses, whether independently or hosted by institutions; writing instructional books and articles. I am, for example, author of the (fairly successful) book Model-making: Materials and Methods"

For details see the main Home page at David Neat Wordpress or check out this great post giving details of creating surfaces.

I have bookmarked this site and can see me popping back to read and re-read the posts.

Truly inspirational.



  1. Superb post - thanks Tony.

    Problem is I am thinking of so many projects - while others will languish in the pile.

  2. Really interesting...bookmarked... ;-)


  3. Thanks for posting Dampf. That was completely inspirational. Bookmarked as well.
