Friday 18 April 2014

Nabbing a bargain in Shrewsbury

With the glorious weather, Sue and I took Holly and Flo (my Mother-in-Law) for and Easter Friday day trip to Shrewsbury. The intention was to have a quiet walk around the town centre and stop off at the Regimental Museum gardens at the top of the town for a picnic lunch.

On the way back to the car, Sue saw these bargains in the Save the Children charity shop window and I walked away with a great haul of terrain bits and in particular tree making materials for the bargain price of just £7.00.

Item one was this pair of Riko Scenic trees. £1.50 for the pair.

Item Two was 45 cubic. inches of Foliage Clusters from Woodland Scenics. The most expensive item at £2.50.

Item Three, a pack of Woodland Scenics Green Grass Turf. £1.00.

Items Four and Five were a pair of tree roots or tree branches (I'm not too sure what they are intended for). £1.00 each. the Flintloque figure is included for scale.

I will keep the Blog updated as to how they are used.


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