Sunday 18 May 2014

Building Wargame Terrain - book two update

Now with updated mock-up image

Last week was a landmark for the production of Book Two. The models have all been finished, the articles written and now it is over to the proof reading and page formatting.

At this moment (it is subject to change) the book looks like this;
112 pages (including front and back covers
8 full build articles from conception to finished model
over 385 full colour images
20992 words 

And the most important decision - it will be a purple cover!

I am also looking at producing a limited re-print of Book One. So anyone who interested, please contact me via this Blog.

More details to follow. Hopefully very soon.



  1. I would like to express an interest in this new edition. Any idea of the price for this one? Cheers!

  2. No news on pricing yet, but details will be posted soon. Very soon.


  3. Looking forward to the second book Tony!

  4. I have the first, and am looking forward to the second!

  5. Definitely want a copy of book 1 AND book 2!

  6. Very much looking forward to book two! Exciting stuff!

  7. Please put me down for a copy of both books.

  8. One was great how could I pass up on two, put me down for one.

  9. I just found out about book #1, and now find out there is going to be a book #2. I'll purchase one and if there is a reprint of #1 I'll get that as well.
