Monday 12 May 2014

Highlander from Thunderbolt Mountain Miniatures - part two

Photo One - I commenced the main painting with light coloured washes.

Photo Two - These were refined with layers of both darker shade areas and lighter highlights. The Tartan has been started.

Photo Three - More work on the Tartan, The red uniform has been finished and some detail painting of the white strapping has now been done.

Photo Four - The white strapping has been finished and lightly washed. I enjoyed painting the loose stocking.

Photo Five - The groundwork has been painted, the ginger hair highlighted and more detailing to the uniform particularly the kilt.

More to follow.



  1. Lovely work on the tartan. He reminds me of one of the Airfix Highlanders poses.

  2. Lovely work on a great mini. I have these gathering dust so to speak in my Tom Meier box of delights.
