Thursday 5 June 2014

On-Line Build - part two

Part two and more Green Stuff modelling. The group is now up to six miniatures. So why have I called them The Magnificent Seven?

Photo One - Mainly working on the Shako.

Photo Two - The figure on the left has had new legs, pinned and blended-in with Green Stuff. The Officer on the right has had his Shako built up (I find it best to do this sculpting a little at a time).

Photo Three - The Shako Plumes will be built over the wire spikes. (Note the older style Shako on the figure to the right).

Details can be found here and here. More to follow.



  1. "The group is now up to six miniatures. So why have I called them The Magnificent Seven?"

    It's cos you are still a Swansea boy at heart Tony, and you are trying to confuse that Neath lot. ;O)

  2. Really liking this so far, Tony.
