Friday 25 July 2014

Building Wargame Terrain/More Wargame Terrain

Image taken from Orcs in the Webbe

Craig Andrews over on Orcs in the Webbe has recently updated his site with a short excerpt from my first book Building Wargame Terrain. For full details of the post go to this link.

During the writing, production and selling of Book One, I have tried to keep the articles off the Web, so that owners of Book One would know that what they have purchased is not a re-hash of available Web articles. However, I have also been asked to give a sample or 'taster' of what to expect with both Book One (and the newly released Book Two - More Wargame Terrain). I have therefore agreed for this excerpt from one of the articles included in Book One to be reproduced here. Thank you Craig.

The model is a Small Stone Warehouse built with a 'brick-on-brick' technique. The full article in Book One is 14 pages long with 48 full colour images.

For details of how to order Book One - Building Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood go to this link, while details of how to order Book Two - More Wargame Terrain can be found here.

I hope you enjoy this short 'taster' article.



  1. Andrew Fielden25 July 2014 at 12:48

    Where do you buy your foam from as I have had trouble sourcing decent supplies?

  2. I pick up my foam from various places - try Wickes in the UK. But I also have access to a Recycling Resources centre in Worcester - The WRC which sells off-cuts of Blue Foam.

    Try searching building site skips. Always a great free resource.

    You can pick it up off e-bay, but this is expensive.

    I hope that this helps

