Friday 29 August 2014

Away-Day Parabellum, Birmingham

Image taken from the Web

I am now back home after a great day out at Parabellum, Birmingham where over some tea and cakes I met up with Mark, Craig and John to talk about wargaming, model making and the new book.

I also came away with some Flintloque Toads - thank  you Craig.

It would be nice to say  that the meeting and discussion was orderly and structured, but anyone who has visited this, most traditional of Olde Skool model shops will know, that most of the time was spent waltzing around the store to make best use of the limited space available. Parabellum is one of those 'stacked to the rafters' shops that is today so very, very rare.

I also forgot to pick up the Vallejo paints that I had planned on buying - Doh!

Between us we talked about Flintloque, Flash Gordon, Aeronef and even WW2 Normandy, discussed the best way to publish PDF books and what book three should contain. But in truth it was all about having fun and meeting like-minded modellers. To everyone who called in, I hope you didn't mind the cramped surroundings and enjoyed the chat (and the cakes) - I hope you didn't scoff the lot Mark!

One positive is that I think Craig has convinced Mark to write an article for Orcs in the Webbe - The Advent Calendar 2014 (maybe)?

I will be calling back some time in the next couple of months, I really enjoy the day out and must try to do it more often.


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