Thursday 14 August 2014

Chaos Dwarf - Astrogoth

This Chaos Dwarf miniature has been stuffed in my to-do box for some considerable time. I believe that I picked it up at a bring-and-buy.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been trying to reduce my lead-mountain by modelling, basing and painting some of these forgotten gems. I didn't bother stripping the mini but painted over the OK paint finish by building up the layers of paint over a Chaos Black undercoat. The colour scheme and back banners were inspired by some images on the internet.

The base is a wooden wheel on a round plastic base. The groundwork being modelled from a bark chip detailed with DAS modelling clay and sieved sand.

Once painted, The model was varnished with Galleria Matt Varnish and small clumps of ground foam added to the rocky base. The final piece of modelling was to add the home-made back banners which were first drawn onto sticky-back labels and then painted. I highlighted the banners after I had attached them and added folds.

At this moment the model is adorning my computer desk. I'm not sure if I will be keeping it as this is my ONLY Chaos Dwarf.

I hope you like it.


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