Wednesday 20 August 2014

Gloucester Docks

Earlier today, Sue and I visited the Gloucester Quays shopping complex. Before having lunch in one of the dockside restaurants we took a walk over one of the swing bridges and there under Llanthony Docks we saw these images.

This is the set dressing for the new Johnny Depp film Alice through the looking glass. All of the filming had ended, in fact we were told the cast had moved on to a secret destination in Oxfordshire. However I felt the images were well worth posting as they offer a huge amount of modelling inspiration - just take a look at all that clutter.



  1. What brilliant reference material, thank you for sharing.

  2. Great photos, I'll keep those in mind when Calamity gets a bit farther along

  3. Nice. Looks abit like Hartlepool Historic Quay.

  4. Lovely collection of details for terrain inspiration and reference. Thanks for sharing!

