Tuesday 23 September 2014

The 3o Bella Manicotti Regiment for Flintloque

Todoroni On-Line Build for September - part six.

With the latest group of Toads painted, based and finished, I set up this little vignette to show the 3o Bella Manicotti in a game setting. Remember that this particular set of Toads was a Limited Edition Unit and only 100 sets were cast up, all of which have now been sold. For details check out the Alternative Armies page here.

The image was taken outside and in natural light (but not direct sunlight), the groundwork is my Railway Scatter covered polystyrene gaming board with some tree units and the new Bread Oven model that will feature on my Blog very soon.

I really enjoyed painting up these Todoroni models, they are great fun to paint and full of character, as I have said before, I can see me painting more in the future.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing how I have painted them.


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