Sunday 23 November 2014

A Display Base for my 40mm Flash Gordon Miniatures

In a bit of a change from the usual, here is a post detailing how I built this display base for use at Blast-Tastic in October 2014. For full details of the show go to this link. The stepped display was designed to show off some of my 40mm Flash Gordon miniatures, for details go to the Flash Gordon label on the right.

Image Two - The individual steps were cut from scrap 20mm MDF. I had my friendly carpenter cut the strips on his bench-saw.

Image Three - Each pair of blocks were glued together with No-More-Nails and sanded smooth.

Image Four - The blocks were then glued together to form the steps.

Image Five - A 20mm thick backing board was then glued to the back and the gaps filled with ready-mixed filler.

Image Six - I painted the whole base with three layers of watered-down Silver Mist paint that I had left over from an earlier project.

The whole project took less than two days from start to finish and I now have a professional looking display base that I can use for other shows and displays.

Each step is 50mm wide and 40mm tall.


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