Tuesday 11 November 2014

More Wargame Terrain - an update

Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No.2 - More Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood - for full details go to this link is selling out fast. I now have just 23 signed and numbered copies left and would recommend that anyone looking to treat themselves for Christmas (or buy a copy as a gift) orders now.

Full details of the book and a number of reviews can be found at the link above or by following the prompts in the top right of this page.

In addition I will point out that the re-prints of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No.1 - Building Wargame Terrain are also selling well (in fact much better than I had expected). Once again you can follow this link or the prompts in the top right to order a copy.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this project, I am pleased to say that all the hard work has paid off and the initial gamble of both producing and publishing the books has been a great success.


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