Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014 - a short review

With this year very nearly over, I thought that a short review was in order.

In general, I am pleased with the gaming successes of 2014, actually that should read modelling and painting success as there has been very little gaming. Maybe this should be my resolution for 2015? To game more.

In 2013, I set myself the goal of publishing a book - a book on Building Wargame Terrain. This was achieved and earlier this year Book Two More Wargame Terrain was also published. Book one has sold very well but book two has been slower - this is a great surprise to me as I think I can say that I enjoyed writing book two much more, and I think the techniques illustrated in book two are more detailed, more in-depth. However both continue to sell and a really big thank you to everyone who ordered a copy.

I'm not sure I will be publishing a book three in 2015, this may have to wait a year. But keep an eye out for magazine article and a very special post planned for the end of February - the anniversary of the this Blog.

One of the highlights of 2014 was attending Blast-tastic and exhibiting my 40mm Flash Gordon collection. This was the first time all the models had ever been shown in one event and the response was fantastic. I'm not sure I will be doing this again, but who knows?

The On-Line Build's continue to be a monthly goal and I know through comment posted on the Blog that these entries are enjoyed and followed with interest. I am already planning my January 2015 On-Line Build with more details to follow very soon. In addition the featuring of new or never-before-seen terrain articles or models on (or around) the first of each month was a great push for me to get some smaller projects finished. Expect this to continue into 2015 - in fact just wait until tomorrow morning.

I am planning on selling some of my (huge) collection of terrain pieces. I will post links on the Blog once I have more details.

In a similar vein, the Orcs in the Webbe Advent calendar featured four articles by me. This is a great Christmas time feature and one that I am very proud to be associated with - well done Craig Andrews - the editor.

Looking forward - I can confirm that there will be new and unique terrain and model making articles featured in modelling and gaming magazines throughout 2015. The ones I have already completed are a real mix of subject matter which I hope readers will enjoy.

If I have a New Years Resolution - I'm not sure I do this year. It will be to get better at painting and modelling.

Happy New Year. I hope it's a great one for you.
