Sunday 18 January 2015

T- Force by Sean Longden

This is what I'm reading at the moment; T - Force The forgotten Heroes of 1945 by Sean Longden. I am about 1/3rd through, just after the British reach the Baltic coast and days before the Germans surrender.

I first saw the book for sale in a book store in Solihull and after browsing the cover, thought that it sounded like a good read. However I didn't buy it and continued window shopping. When Sue said that she needed to pop into the post office, I returned to the shop and had another look at both the cover and notes. But still I didn't buy it!

Back home I couldn't get the book out of my mind and after a quick internet search, I ordered a copy from E-bay. The book arrived a couple of days later and within minutes, I had started reading it and was fully engrossed in the story.

The book follows the formation of a special force of strategic looters, who during the closing days of WW2 search out strategic targets in France, Germany and the Baltic's to secure intelligence and new technology. I have found the various adventures quite enthralling and with just one criticism have enjoyed the book immensely. My criticism is the style of writing which tends to follow a tedious format of "we moved, we captured, this is what someone said and then we moved we captured and this is what we found etc etc". I'm not sure that there is a better way of writing the history of this particular chapter of WW2, but just 1/3rd through and the repetition is grating. I will add that not so grating that I haven't been able to put the book down!

Maybe I should have waited until I had finished the book before writing this review. It would have made more sense. But for what it is worth, this is a great book, that details the unenviable achievements of a group of thoroughly dedicated soldiers who risked everything to secure both the Nazi secrets and a future for Post-War Germany.

A fuller review can be found here.

T - Force (The Forgotten Heroes of 1945) by Sean longden
Published by Constable in 2010
ISBN; 978 1 84901 297 3
List price £8.99


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