Wednesday 18 February 2015

Build Something 2015 - more detailing

The Horseshoe Forge is now nearing completion, well the construction anyway. In today's post you can see how I have added the chimney, filled any gaps and made sure that the groundwork is finished.

During the tiling of the roof, I produced more tiles than I needed, so I have added a stack of new roof tiles to the back of the forge. These have been glued in place with uPVA glue.

The chimney pot is a section of coloured plastic straw, cut to size and superglued in place while the mortaring was done with more DAS modelling clay.

I have used a metal casting of a wagon wheel - cutting off a small portion of the base and then building up the groundwork with more DAS. The wheels were bought from Alternative Armies who offer a Battlefield Wheels Pack for just £5.00. See this link for full details.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, 10 wheels for 5 quid. Excellent deal, as I'm always on the lookout for wheels!
    Thanks for the tip, Tony!

