Sunday 8 March 2015

West Midlands Military Show - Alumwell Wargames 2015

Sue and I have just returned home after a great day out at The West Midlands Military Show hosted by the Alumwell Wargames Club. This was the first time that I had exhibited my scratch-built terrain models - the ones featured in Building Wargame Terrain and More Wargame Terrain. In the first image you can see the table layout, with Sue and Holly busy brewing up a cup of tea!

I was also able to present The 'A' Frame Hovel to John of Mystic Spiral Miniatures. Readers and followers may remember that I had promised that one of the models featured in More Wargame Terrain would be given away after the first 100 signed and numbered books had been sold.

I can now report that the 100th book was sold and shipped last month and the winner of the draw was John. I kept the prize draw secret knowing that I would be meeting up with John at the show. Congratulations and I hope that you enjoy the model.

In addition to selling some copies of both wargame terrain books, I also managed to off-load a number of surplus books and magazines, but it was meeting up with so many fellow modellers and followers that made the whole day so rewarding. Thank you to everyone who made themselves know to me and thank you for the kind words of support.

Expect more images of the show over the next couple of days.


(For Graham - This is the link for the UK foam supplier)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony great to meet you and the support crew in person. As I said, seeing your models in the flesh was superb, the level of detail was outstanding. Glad you had a good time.

    All the best

    Airhead (Paul)
