Friday 1 May 2015

The Cider Press - the painting

Back in late February I posted details of how I built this model of a French Themed Cider Press. For details go to this link. The image above shows the finished model; all ready for painting.

Image two - I started with a Dark Brown basecoat, highlighted with Snakebite Leather. My intention is to get an all-over base onto which I can drybrush and add some detailing.

Image Three - The base or groundwork was painted with dilute Snakebite Leather and highlighted with a Snakebite/Skull White drybrush which was 'scrubbed' on with a large still brush.

Image Four - The main wooden sections have been drybrushed and 'washed' to give a run-down and slightly 'green' look for the aged timbers. You can also see how I have picked out occasional stones in the groundwork with a Skull White/Chaos Black mix.

Image Five - More detail painting, highlighting the metal parts and adding some rust. I find that painting aged wood is a matter of observing Nature and trying to be bold with your colour choices.

Image Six - The varnished, flocked and finished piece.

Images Seven, Eight and Nine - Show the finished Cider Press alongside a Flintloque Orc Rifleman.

The model was one of those 'I just have to model it' moments and I'm not sure what use it will be in games of Flintloque. For me the pleasure was the modelling, then the painting.

The French Cider Press is 160mm long x 100mm wide and 85mm tall.

I hope that you like it.



  1. Excellent work Tony, looks great and a nice addition to your terrain collection!

  2. Splendid, love this one!

  3. The wood looks amazing. A step by step tutorial for those not so blessed with talent would be great.

  4. Amazing work. The detail is superb. :)

  5. "A step by step tutorial?"

    I'll have a think about this and see what projects are on the workbench. I am sure that I will be able to oblige.

