Monday 29 June 2015

Boche Standard and Musician - part two

The Flesh areas have been built up in the same way as the earlier Boche Halflings. Charred Brown, Snakebite Leather, Stonewall Grey and Skull White.

Image Two - The all-important trousers, trews or kegs have been painted in Blue, Red and (unusual for me) Purple. The Purple was from Rackhams.

Image Three - The stripes were built-up over Stonewall Grey and highlighted with Skull White.

Image Four - Metallic areas were first undercoated Dark Brown and then Citadel Metallics were used on top.

The bases were painted in the same way as the earlier Pax Bochemannic Halflings.

Image Five - The finished group after being varnished and having the bases decorated.



  1. Great stuff! What happened to the standard bearer's sword? Looks like it has snapped?

    Lovely colours and I see these guys have eyes! :)

  2. "What happened to the standard bearer's sword? Looks like it has snapped."

    He obviously bought it from Delboy!

