Tuesday 23 June 2015

Who let the Dags out - Boche Mastiffs

Although, still a Boche themed post, there are no Pax Bochemannica miniatures included in today's update. Instead I will show how I have used some Mastiffs from Warlord Games to act as Boche Hounds. The three Mastiffs are from the Hail Caesar blister pack - Celt Mastiffs WG-CE-MAS-1 which were picked up from e-bay.

Image Two - The three dogs are very well sculpted and beautifully capture the musculature of these dogs. My only criticism was that they were a little to fragile, some of the legs were needle thin, this is correct for 28mm Historical Miniatures, but my Boche Mastiffs needed bulking out to fit in with my 'chunky' Halflings - my Bald and Chunky Halflings!

Image Three - I have used my trusty Green Stuff to add some additional 'body' to my models. I call it Flintloquification! The building up of the natural musculature or features into over-the-top characterisations - In addition to the Green Stuff I used Modelling Paste (thick paint that you can add to acrylic paint to add texture), this was applied with a paintbrush and straight from the tube.

The three Mastiffs are mounted onto 1p coins - an operation that required some major cutting-back of the bases and in two cases, re-modelling of the sculpts. The groundwork was sculpted from Milliput and the bases further textured with sieved stones and fine sand over uPVA glue.

I am aware that Maveryc Games are working on a Mastiff sculpt, but I couldn't wait and went ahead and modelled my own Boche Dags.


Dags = Dagenham Dogs.

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