Wednesday 19 August 2015

Away-day, Hay on Wye

Earlier this week, Holly, Sue and I had a day away in one of my favourite days out. Hay on Wye; The Book Town. In the past Sue and/or Holly and I have tried to have a day out in Hay on an annual basis, but this was our first return to Hay for a couple of years.

There is no doubt that the main reason for visiting Hay is to browse the many second-hand and specialist book stores and this is exactly what I did, but Sue was happy to sit in the castle gardens and enjoy a picnic and the glorious sunshine.

I was frugal in my spending and came away with one book and a pamphlet, however I saw this watercolour in one of the windows of a second-hand book store and took this photo with the intention of modelling the large block work and thatch of the cottage in the forefront.

Many years ago, Mum and Dad would regularly take their caravan to sites in Brecon and we would meet up with them for a family get-together and always find time to visit Hay. It is an away-day that has very fond memories for me.


1 comment:

  1. I love Hay on Wye, and take every opportunity to visit the place. Not been for a few years so I'm so jealous.
