Wednesday 5 August 2015

Flintloque Inspired Hovel - part two

The Painting.

I find it easier to start with the thatch and build-up this colour first. I started with a Mid Brown which was applied in two or three thinned coats.

The thatch is then highlighted with Snakebite Leather and Yellow.

However, I found the brownish thatch colour too brown and have re-painted it with more Yellow. I have also given the walls a basecoat of pale Grey.

In this image the walls have been painted or highlighted with Titanium White artists tube colour and the groundwork painted in my usual colour combination of a Snakebite Leather colour, highlighted by adding Skull White and washed with Sepia washes. The base has been further detailed by picking out various stones in Grey, highlighted White.

The next two images show the detail painting.

And then the base is flocked with dyed sawdust to match my gaming table.

As a final detail, I added some bills and posters to one wall. This is done by cutting up scraps of paper and adding pencil writing or cutting wine labels from the Waitrose Wine Guide. Once they are attached, I give then a very slight wash and finally varnish them with Matt Varnish.

Don't forget that the Wargame Book SALE is still running with both Building Wargame Terrain and More Wargame Terrain being reduced to just £15.00 (plus postage) until the end of August - or until copies run out).


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