Saturday 1 August 2015

Flintloque Inspired Hovel

It is two years since I started posting out copies of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No.1 Building Wargame Terrain. Since then I have produced a second book More Wargame Terrain as well as numerous articles and Blog posts. I am offering both books at the discounted price of just £15.00 (plus postage and packaging) for the whole month of August. For details go to this post. Be aware that copies of Book One Building Wargame Terrain are running out quickly.....


The terrain building post for August is this Flintloque Inspired Hovel.

The inspiration came from a similar building featured on an After Action Report. I saw the hovel and thought it was worth copying.

As with most of my scratch-builds, I started with a simple sketch.

Cardboard formers were cut from some scrap corrugated cardboard.

Then glued together with my Hot Glue gun.

I strengthened the corners with strips of torn paper and glued these in place with uPVA glue.

The basic texturing was done with DAS modelling clay, again added over uPVA glue.

I cut a base from some 3mm thick plastic card.

And glued the hovel in place with the Hot Glue gun. Note the thin card spacer under the building and the scrap of Blue Foam to the front.

I have always been a great admirer of a resin model company called SnapDragon*. Their trademark was a slight ripple in the wall, almost a ledge about 10mm high up the wall. I thought it would be good to copy this idea and this was done by applying some DAS modelling clay over uPVA glue.

The door was modelled from an off-cut of 3mm thick plastic card.

The thatched roof was built up in sections. I used DAS modelling clay.

The thatch continued to be built-up.

And built-up.

Detailing was made from DAS. Some flour sacks and a wall support.

I also added a metal cart wheel and a resin pot to the base.

I then added sieved stones and sand to the base.

Detailing was done with paper and small slivers of plastic rod applied over superglue.

In part two I will detail the painting of this Flintloque Hovel.

Both Wargame Terrain Books - Building Wargame Terrain and More Wargame Terrain are available for sale - at the reduced price of just £15.00 (plus postage and packaging). This offer will run until the end of August or until copies run out! For details go to this link.


* SnapDragon Resin buildings are no longer available, but can occasionally be picked up on e-bay or at wargame shows.


  1. Nice work and a good article, thank you


  2. Hi Tony! That turned out really well. I thought it looked familiar and then read your comment about the AAR - that was mine from earlier in the year, I believe :) This is really cool to see as I've certainly taken some pages out of your book (literally) when building things. Regards, Christian

  3. Hi Christian,

    Yes it was your after-action-report that inspired this model.

