Sunday 25 October 2015

Frostgrave Terrain - part five

The latest piece of Frostgrave themed terrain - a small rock outcrop.

Images Two and Three - I have used a scrap piece of Blue Foam, some stones from the garden and an oval of 3mm thick plastic card to produce this small piece of scatter.

In these images you can see how the groundwork has been built up from DAS modelling clay and the base further textured with sieved stones and sand applied over uPVA glue.

I have undercoated the Blue Foam with uPVA glue.

Image Four - The basecoat is once again a mix of black, white brown and blue.

Image Five - The first drybrushing is added. This is to help define the detail and is quite a thick or sloppy drybrushing.

Image Six - The second drybrushing is much lighter and a true drybrush - having very little paint on the brush. I have also started to tint the rocks with washes.

Image Seven - The base or groundwork is painted in my usual Snakebite Leather, highlighted with a Snakebite/White drybrushing.

Image Eight - Individual stones have been picked out in a grey colour highlighted white.

Images Nine and Ten - The model has been varnished with Galleria matt varnish and the base further detailed with railway scatter and static grass clumps.

The model is 85mm x 65mm and 60mm tall.

Once again, I have not added any snow to the model. I plan on adding it later.


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