Saturday 19 December 2015

Leprechauns part two - The Pot of Gold

Earlier this week, Craig Andrews of Orcs in the Webbe published a short article written by me detailing how I had converted some Flintloque Halflings into Bog Orc allied Leprechauns. The full article can be found here.

A comment on this very Blog from Francis Lee suggested that they needed a Pot of Gold as a baggage element. What a great idea!

I searched through my box of bits and came across a small white metal cooking pot which I glued on to a 2p coin. The base was built up with DAS modelling clay and I soon had the basis of the Leprechaun's mythical Pot of Gold.

The coins are slivers of plastic rod, glued in place with superglue and then 'drenched' with liquid poly glue.

The painting moved along quickly, a couple of coats of Gold, washed with the old Citadel Flesh Wash (the one with the Blue top) and the pot painted Black, highlighted with Grey and various Flesh colours.

There wasn't much in the way of detail painting, just some drybrushing and tidying up. I tried not to 'muddy' the Gold, keeping it bright and glowing.

After both varnishing with Ronseal Gloss Varnish and then Galleria Matt Varnish the base was further decorated with some static grass, glued in place with dilute uPVA glue.

Prior to this photo being taken, I had given the gold coins another coat of Gloss Varnish - it is after all Leprechaun Gold!

Thank Francis - your simple suggestion has turned out great.

Here you can see Lawless The traitorous Bog Orc Captain discussing ownership of said Pot of Gold with an unworried Leprechaun whom seems much more interested in his clay pipe.

Finally, Sargent O'Toole has a more forceful conversation with another of the Leprechauns.

The whole project took very little time to achieve, in fact waiting for the varnish to dry was the longest part of the project!

I hope you enjoy this little interlude.


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