Wednesday 9 December 2015

Wargames Illustrated Paints

I picked up this magazine/guide from W H Smiths earlier this year after reading about it in the modelling press. The 74 page magazine is a series of compilations by Matt Parkes that I believe have already been included in Wargames Illustrated, however as I rarely buy WI, the articles and tutorials are new to me.

This review is a little late in coming, mainly because I have not read the magazine from cover to cover, instead I have jumped in to specific articles that have appealed to me, reading in short bursts (much like the original magazine articles would have been published). I believe that this is how the author would have intended the guide to be read.

The two images below have been taken from the Internet to show an example of the style and content of this guide. For full details please go to this link.

I would recommend the guide to newcomers or intermediate modellers/painters, but more experienced painters might find the techniques a little 'old-hat'. My own experience is that I have found the writing to be well put together and the individual tutorials to be very well illustrated with little to criticise. I suggest it would make a very good Christmas present to a wargamer of figure painter.

Regular readers of the magazine might find that a lot of the tutorials are repeated.

Full details can be found in the link included above, I should also add that there is no advertising.

Wargames Illustrated Paints - your complete guide to painting wargame miniatures
by Matt Parkes
Published by Wargames Illustrated
Cover price - £5.95 - $9.95
ISBN 5 017558530007


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