Friday 1 January 2016

Let it Snow (again)

Earlier this this year, actually last year! I posted images of a section of scratch built walling with some snow covering, see this post for details. I wrote how the 'Magic Snow' had contracted when drying out and that I felt the test had been a mistake. However I did not give up and bought some Snow Powder off the internet.

The new Model Snow was bought from The London Model Soldier Bunker via e-bay. It is a very fine white powder produced from natural white stone. I applied the new Snow with some white acrylic paint, a touch of uPVA glue and very little water as I did not want any swelling of the initial Magic Snow.

The first image shows the new Snow.

While the second image shows the old Magic Snow.

Image three shows the original scratch-built section, further details can be found here.

Happy New Year.


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