Sunday 28 February 2016


Today sees this Blog celebrate its eighth anniversary and as noted earlier this month I had decided to offer a free prize draw for one each of the two Dampfpanzerwagon Guides/Books. The Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 1 - Building Wargame Terrain has been sold out for some time with all copies bar one being sold. I still have a number of copies of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 2 - More Wargame Terrain for sale - if anyone is interested in purchasing a copy, please see the links to the right on the main Blog page. The book is available for just £15.00 (plus postage).

I had 48 comments and my daughter picked the winning name at random.

Full details of the free prize draw can be found here.

The winner is John Lambshead of John's Toy Soldiers and I will be contacting him later to arrange for the two books to be delivered to him. Congratulations John - I hope you enjoy them.

Thank you to everyone who took part.


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