Tuesday 26 April 2016

Ma.K Hover Tank - part 23

I have added a couple more decals following the first set (see earlier post). Once the decals were in place and sealed with Future floor polish, I varnished to whole model with brushed-on Galleria Matt Varnish.

Then the weathering.....

The weathering was applied in two distinct phases - a light drybrushing of earth coloured acrylic paint to the lower edges and powdered artists pastels lightly applied with a large, soft brush again to the lower hull. Hover Tanks would have blown up quite a bit of dust!



  1. Nice, it looks the latest 'round of weathering has taken the shine off it, so to speak...

  2. Great paint job, on this excellent conversion. Anything left to do?

  3. "Nice, it looks the latest 'round of weathering has taken the shine off it, so to speak."

    Yes the matt varnish and pastel dust has dulled it down to a more realistic matt finish.

    "Great paint job, on this excellent conversion. Anything left to do?"

    Yes - I want to add a commander/pilot and have been testing different scale miniatures.

