Monday 4 April 2016

Ma.K Hover Tank - part fourteen

At about the same time that I was undercoating and adding some rough cast texture to the hull I read a modelling article in the January/Febuary issue of the IPMS members magazine about the M51 or upgunned M4 Sherman. The Israelis would add cast or welded numbers to the rear of their tanks so if the tank was ever burnt-out the tank could still be identified.

I decided to do the same and using numbers sliced from some sprue, I glued four numbers to the rear hull - 2020.

Once the numbers were in place I re-textured the hull to make the numbers fit in and to add some more pronounced texture.

The painting should follow soon.



  1. When I first saw this build I wasn't convinced, but as your nearing the pointy end it's really looking great!

    I'm looking forward to the final product :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing this painted up, and have really enjoyed following this build.

    Next book: Scratch build with Tony?

  3. "Looking forward to seeing this painted up, and have really enjoyed following this build.

    Next book: Scratch build with Tony?"

    Strangely enough the next book (Book Three) was provisionally entitled Building Models for Wargames.....

