Saturday 7 May 2016

Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No.3

Over the last couple of years I have written a number of terrain building articles/tutorials for various magazines. In the main they have been simpler and less well illustrated than the tutorials I had included in both Building Wargame Terrain and More Wargame Terrain and (obviously) edited by other people.

My current work schedule includes a number of similar projects and although I get a great deal of satisfaction from these commissions, I do feel that, A - they could be more in-depth and B- there could be more illustrations.

I understand the limitations, the articles have in the main appeared in Wargame Magazines and not Model Making Magazines. I love reading the in-depth articles you see in Military Modeller or Tamiya Magazine or Fine Scale Modeller. Lots of detailed text and hundreds of glorious photos.

So is there a market for these articles in a Book 3 (Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 3 - Models for Wargamers!) - giving much more detail and with more (and larger) illustrations?

The reason I ask is that I'm not sure a re-worked article or tutorial, even if it has more detailed and included more illustrations would be welcomed. If it's a no to a book three - I could always add additional images to the Blog.

I would once again, produce a card covered, full colour A4 book, around 100 pages and with a mixture of old and new projects. The production run would be limited to around 200 - 250 copies and the first 100 numbered and signed (as the earlier books).

I am sure that there are 100 followers who would support this, but I'm asking anyway to judge the demand and to see the reaction.



Copies of Dampfpanzerwagon No.3 More Wargame Terrain are running very low (less than a dozen copies left).


  1. Sign me up for book 3! I just love having them on the shelf as reference material, quality stuff.

  2. I'd certainly buy one.

    However, I think you should really consider Kickstarter. Work out how much you'd need to cover the production run, set that as your target goal, but you could also sell some of the surplus scenery you have - if any?

    If you want help with that kind of thing, I'm more than happy to help. It might not be successful, but it might be very successful indeed!

    I think it's just a matter of exposure. I don't think the market is very aware that these books exist, sadly! :)

  3. Sounds like a great idea! Hoping to see this one (and the others) released as PDF too with hi rez images ;)

  4. Yes! I'll be happy to pre-order right now if it helps.

  5. The biggest hurdle (at least for me) has now been crossed - Holly has agreed to do the editing and formatting. I get the easy job of building models and taking photos!

    Watch this space.


  6. "I think you should really consider Kickstarter. Work out how much you'd need to cover the production run, set that as your target goal, but you could also sell some of the surplus scenery you have - if any?"

    Hi Rob, as olde dinosaur - Kickstarter just doesn't appeal to me.

    "Sounds like a great idea! Hoping to see this one (and the others) released as PDF too with hi rez images ;)"

    It's the High Rez images that I want in the book.

    I'm also thinking about an illustrated calendar for later in the year. What do you think of that?


  7. "I'll be happy to pre-order right now if it helps."

    Thanks for the offer but at this moment - lets just take it one step at a time.


  8. I would certainly buy one!

  9. Tony, I would buy Vol.3 if only to sit alongside Vol.1&2. Seriously though, the more depth the better. I am professional model maker so I don't really need your books for anything other than a fun read and a bit of inspiration, however, the more depth you go into the more use it becomes...

  10. I think there is a definite market for more in depth looks from a DIY perspective. I really prefer the detailed, almost step by step explanation for a few projects over less detailed looks at dozen projects. In fact there might be room for two books there; something showing all those detailed explanations that I love (often to compare my techniques to those of the author) and a second book that maybe just includes plans along with some finished pictures of the models. Those are my thoughts on the subject and I would certainly like to add a third book to the collection.


  11. I'd most certainly be interested in a "book 3". I can concur with Mr. Alderman's comments about not being aware these books existed... at least personally anyway :) I only became aware this morning after he posted about them on facebook

  12. I'd be in for a book 3 :)
    Have only just got book two and am on the l.ookout for a one!
    Find the step by step most useful - the varying techniques for a variety of effects is an invaluable resource.
