Monday 23 May 2016

Miniature Wargames June 2016 - issue 398

Issue 398 of Miniature Wargames with Battlegames includes a three page article written by me showing how I scratch-built and painted this 1/100th scale Fokker EIII Eindecker.

Regular readers of the magazine will know of a short two part series of articles written in previous issues by Chris Russell. Eindecker part one - reviewed and gave details of this iconic aircraft, while Eindecker part two published a set of WW1 wargame rules.

In Eindecker part three, I show how I built this model.

The Eindecker is not my only 1/100th scale scratch-built air plane - here you see the Eindecker chasing a DH2 flown by Lanoe Hawker.

Once again, Henry (the editor) has produced a very well illustrated article full of large and useful photos showing the stages of construction and painting. Well done.

Miniature Wargames is currently on sale in WH Smiths. The cover price is £4.50.


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